Event Dossier

If you wish to organize an event, whether it’s a small public aperitif or a larger event like a concert or exhibition, there are certain things you need to consider and submit to the municipality. These requirements ensure your event runs safely and is well-organized.

Below is an overview of all the necessary steps and documents that must be submitted to the municipality for approval. Even for smaller events like an aperitif, certain regulations apply.
📌 Tipp: Be sure to submit all relevant information to ensure your event is approved smoothly. A practical template for an event concept from the municipality of Zermatt is also available here
🔗 Open concept

⬇️ Click on the relevant municipality

Informations Municipality of Zermatt 📍

Event Details 📝

  • Type of event (e.g., music festival, sports event)
  • Organizer and contact person (name, address, phone number, email, etc.)
  • Event Location

  • Site Plan (mark the locations for catering, stage, storage, etc.)
  • Daily Program (include date and times)
  • Setup and Breakdown Schedule (include dates and times)

Use of Public Areas 🌳🏛️

  • Use of public spaces (e.g., Obere Matten, Dorfplatz)
  • Route details (e.g., for parades, races, competitions)
  • Road closures (Yes/No; if Yes, which roads?)
  • Marketing measures (banners, flags, posters)
    • Attach photos of banners/flags/posters
    • Information on location and time period (from/to)

Food and Beverage Distribution 🍽️🍹

Noise 🔊🎶

  • Type of entertainment (e.g., music, speakers, etc.)
  • Date and times of entertainment

Traffic and Special Transport 🚗🛑

  • List of special transport

Infrastructure and Materials 🏗️🔌

  • Use of buildings/spaces
    • Triftbachhalle, Mensa Schulhaus Niww Walka, Civil Protection Facility, Church Square, Parish Garden, Train Station Square
  • Required Event Materials
  • Municipal infrastructure
    • Toilets
    • Electrical connections
    • Water connections
    • Signage and barriers
    • Festive seating, tents, etc. (Optional: Upload required materials)

Safety and Medical Concept 🚑👮

  • A safety and medical plan is required for each event to ensure participant safety. You can find a comprehensive template from the City of Zurich that covers important aspects. This template serves as a guideline and can be modified as needed.
    ➔ 🔗 Open Safety and Medical Concept
  • Additional requests that may be needed:

Raffle Permits 🎫

Raffles held at entertainment events require a cantonal permit. The permit can be requested from the Department of Industry, Trade, and Labor using the form 🔗 Application for a permit to sell raffle tickets.

  • The tickets must not consist of cash amounts.
  • The sale, drawing, and distribution of tickets must be directly related to the entertainment event

Each municipality has its own rules for event planning and approval. It’s important to submit your event dossier and requests directly to the relevant municipality. To make this easier, a direct email address for the respective municipality is provided so you can quickly and easily find the right contact for submitting your requests. 📩

Informations Municipality of Täsch 📍

Event Details 📝

  • Type of event (e.g., music festival, sports event)
  • Organizer and contact person (name, address, phone number, email, etc.)
  • Event Location

  • Site Plan (mark the locations for catering, stage, storage, etc.)
  • Daily Program (include date and times)
  • Setup and Breakdown Schedule (include dates and times)

Use of Public Areas 🌳🏛️

  • Use of public spaces
  • Route details (e.g., for parades, races, competitions)
  • Road closures (Yes/No; if Yes, which roads?)
  • Marketing measures (banners, flags, posters)
    • Attach photos of banners/flags/posters
    • Information on location and time period (from/to)

Food and Beverage Distribution 🍽️🍹

Noise 🔊🎶

  • Type of entertainment (e.g., music, speakers, etc.)
  • Date and times of entertainment

Traffic and Special Transport 🚗🛑

  • List of special transport

Infrastructure and Materials 🏗️🔌

  • Use of buildings/spaces
    • Multipurpose Hall ‘Anemone’, Burgerstube, Fire Department Local (FWL) Seminar Room,
      Haus Täschhorn (Hotel Hall, Meeting Room 1), etc.
      🔗 Reservieren
  • Required Event Materials
  • Municipal infrastructure
    • Toilets
    • Electrical connections
    • Water connections
    • Signage and barriers
    • Festive seating, tents, etc. (Optional: Upload required materials)

Safety and Medical Concept 🚑👮

  • A safety and medical plan is required for each event to ensure participant safety. You can find a comprehensive template from the City of Zurich that covers important aspects. This template serves as a guideline and can be modified as needed.
    🔗 Open Safety and Medical Concept
  • Additional requests that may be needed:
    • Fireworks permission ➔ The request must be submitted to the municipality for approval

Raffle Permits 🎫

Raffles held at entertainment events require a cantonal permit. The permit can be requested from the Department of Industry, Trade, and Labor using the form 🔗 Application for a permit to sell raffle tickets.

  • The tickets must not consist of cash amounts.
  • The sale, drawing, and distribution of tickets must be directly related to the entertainment event

Each municipality has its own rules for event planning and approval. It’s important to submit your event dossier and requests directly to the relevant municipality. To make this easier, a direct email address for the respective municipality is provided so you can quickly and easily find the right contact for submitting your requests. 📩

Informations Municipality of Randa 📍

Event Details 📝

  • Type of event (e.g., music festival, sports event)
  • Organizer and contact person (name, address, phone number, email, etc.)
  • Event Location

  • Site Plan (mark the locations for catering, stage, storage, etc.)
  • Daily Program (include date and times)
  • Setup and Breakdown Schedule (include dates and times)

Use of Public Areas 🌳🏛️

  • Use of public spaces
  • Route details (e.g., for parades, races, competitions)
  • Road closures (Yes/No; if Yes, which roads?)
  • Marketing measures (banners, flags, posters)
    • Attach photos of banners/flags/posters
    • Information on location and time period (from/to)

Food and Beverage Distribution 🍽️🍹

  • Daily permit for food and beverage distribution The request must be submitted to the municipality for approval

Noise 🔊🎶

  • Type of entertainment (e.g., music, speakers, etc.)
  • Date and times of entertainment

Traffic and Special Transport 🚗🛑

  • List of special transport

Infrastructure and Materials 🏗️🔌

  • Use of buildings/spaces
    • Parking garage, Waldfestplatz, Burgersaal, etc.
      🔗 Reserve
  • Required Event Materials
  • Municipal infrastructure
    • Toilets
    • Electrical connections
    • Water connections
    • Signage and barriers
    • Festive seating, tents, etc. (Optional: Upload required materials)

Safety and Medical Concept 🚑👮

  • A safety and medical plan is required for each event to ensure participant safety. You can find a comprehensive template from the City of Zurich that covers important aspects. This template serves as a guideline and can be modified as needed.
    🔗 Open Safety and Medical Concept
  • Additional requests that may be needed:

Raffle Permits 🎫

Raffles held at entertainment events require a cantonal permit. The permit can be requested from the Department of Industry, Trade, and Labor using the form 🔗 Application for a permit to sell raffle tickets.

  • The tickets must not consist of cash amounts.
  • The sale, drawing, and distribution of tickets must be directly related to the entertainment event

Each municipality has its own rules for event planning and approval. It’s important to submit your event dossier and requests directly to the relevant municipality. To make this easier, a direct email address for the respective municipality is provided so you can quickly and easily find the right contact for submitting your requests. 📩

If you need additional files or links to help plan your event or complete your event dossier, the page offers useful resources and information. Check it out for valuable tools to support your event organization.
