Club work

Club Work – What is it? 🎭

Club work refers to all the activities and tasks carried out within a club to achieve its goals and maintain the community. It not only involves organizing events 🎉 but also the strategic and administrative work that keeps the club running.

In a club, people work together 💪 to make things happen – whether it’s in social, cultural, or sports fields. Cooperation, communication, and a lot of dedication are required.

The three most important organs of a club 🏆

Every club needs a clear structure to function well. There are three key organs responsible for leadership and organization:

👤 President – The head of the club, makes decisions, and leads the board.
📜 Secretary – Responsible for taking minutes, administrative tasks, and club documents.
💰 Treasurer – Manages finances, keeps the books, and ensures transparency.

⚠️ Important: Club boards should consist of people who are not related to each other. According to Swiss Civil Code Art. 68, there is a conflict of interest when voting on legal transactions or disputes involving relatives. Therefore, it is not ideal if the board consists solely of family members, as this could cause issues with legitimate decision-making.

President – People rely on you

📌 Profile

The president is the central driving force of the club. They bear the primary responsibility and represent the club both internally and externally.

✅ Skills

    • Have leadership qualities
    • Be strong in communication
    • Possess negotiation skills
    • Be able to dedicate time to club work

📌 Tasks

    • Lead the club and represent it externally
    • Organize and lead club meetings and board meetings
    • Maintain contact with authorities and external partners
    • Coordinate collaboration within the board

⚒️ Useful tools

Secretary – Mastering the written word

📌 Profile

The secretary is responsible for the club’s administrative organization. They document decisions, maintain the club’s records, and ensure clear communication.

✅ Skills

    • Be structured and precise
    • Have good written communication skills
    • Be reliable and organized

📌 Tasks

    • Take minutes of meetings and archive them
    • Manage invitations and club correspondence
    • Update member lists and documents
    • Support communication between the board and members

⚒️ Useful tools

Treasurer – Keep finances clean

📌 Profile

The treasurer manages the financial resources of the club and ensures transparent accounting. Proper cash handling is crucial for the club’s financial stability.

✅ Skills

    • Work accurately and responsibly
    • Have basic knowledge of accounting
    • Have a good understanding of numbers

📌 Tasks

    • Manage club bookkeeping and payments
    • Prepare the annual financial statement and budget planning
    • Collect and manage membership fees
    • Ensure financial transparency to the board

⚒️ Useful tools

📌 Other important club organs

In addition to the three main organs of a club – president, secretary, and treasurer – there are other important organs that were defined in the club’s first general meeting. These organs help support the club’s work and distribute tasks efficiently and structurally.

Vice President – The President’s right hand 🤝

The vice president’s role is often underestimated, but they are much more than just a deputy for the president. They should be developed as a potential successor. The vice president supports the president, takes over their tasks when needed, and is a leading figure within the board.

💡 Note: In many small clubs, the tasks of the vice president are combined with those of the secretary. This means one person is both in charge of the club’s leadership and responsible for the documentation and administrative tasks. This combination is common in smaller clubs to make efficient use of resources. Representing several bodies also means having more power, which can be exploited.

Material Manager – Keeping everything in order! 🎒

The material manager takes care of the club’s materials. They handle ordering, maintenance, and organizing the equipment and supplies needed by the club.

Public Relations (PR) – The club in the spotlight! 🎤

The Public Relations is responsible for the club’s public image. They manage public relations, marketing, and media communication. Social media and the club’s website are actively used to promote the club and attract new members.

Auditor – Control & Transparency in the club 🧐

Another important organ is the auditor.

What does the auditor do?
🔹 Checks the club’s accounting for accuracy and transparency.
🔹 Ensures that the club handles finances properly.
🔹 Provides a report on the club’s financial situation at the general meeting.

⚠️ Important: The auditor is NOT a board member! ❌ They are independent and neutral, ensuring objective financial oversight! ✅

These additional organs play a crucial role in a club’s success. They ensure a clear distribution of tasks, professional organization, and help keep the club on track in the long term. 🚀

📢 More information about founding a club

Want to start your own club? Learn all about the legal foundations, the first steps, and important tips for a successful club formation! 🚀

📌 Here you will find a step-by-step guide, as well as useful templates and documents.
